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Monday, February 21, 2011

What Happened To The Beauty?

I was in the city the other day, looking around. And my heart sunk. I am a country girl, and seeing everything like that broke my heart. Many say that they love the beauty of the city, but I just don't see it. I love the beauty of the rolling hills, the tall mountain peaks, the fresh air, and the sun shining down on all the mother nature has created. But when I see a city I see hard metal edges, animal death traps, millions of strangers that could hurt me, and not a tree in sight. There is no sparkling snow, only brown mush on the side of the roads. There are no trees, only tall sharp metal buildings that reach to the sky. It's all so ugly. Here the chirping of birds has been replaced by screech of cars and the yells of people.

In Summer, nature is green and thriving. The sound of birds, the smell of flowers, the feel of a warm summer breeze ripples across your skin. Your eyes are open the to beautiful colors of budding flowers and glorious greens and golds. In Summer, at a city, it is grey and black. Almost dead. The only living things are fat doves, nasty people, and pets that are locked inside all day. The sound of clambering feet and cars fills your ears, the smell of smog and pollution fills your lungs, and the only thing you feel is others brushing past you, in a hurry, sometimes knocking you down. What is beautiful here?

In the Fall, nature is gold, brown, and red. Different shades light the tree tops, a cool, pleasant breeze makes your hair fly back. Parting chirps and calls from the birds litter the air, the world is getting ready for slumber. In the city Fall is boring. Colorless and just as foul as the summers. But now, even the fat doves have left, leaving only people, busily running up and down the side walks, still uncaring about you or anything or anyone but themselves. In Spring, nature is warm, wet, and coming to life again. The bright vibrant greens of budding trees makes you appreciate the fact that this season will always return. Even the worst of weather brings a sense that there is something bigger than just you, powerful thunderstorms that seem to rip the sky apart, bring you back to respecting nature. The song birds return and are louder than ever. In the Spring, in the city, it rains and you get wet running from side walk to side walk. People complain. Thunder and lightning is deadly and scary here. What is beautiful here?

Finally in the Winter, in nature. the rolling hills and mountains are covered in a soft blanket of soft, powdery snow. The cool air refreshes your lungs. The sparkling landscape makes the world spark with dead-life. In the City though, brown slush lines the roads, the air is more polluted with the heaters that everyone uses, what happed to a good old fashioned fire? So again I ask, for the last time. Where is the beauty?

I simply cannot wait to get home. I miss the big blue sky, the cool fresh air, the soft snow. It is everything that I am, nature is my home, not the city. I wish the city would fall. I wish it were gone. It's like a blemish on the otherwise perfect face of earth...I just want to be home. I want my beautiful nature and home back.


☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

I'm so happy you feel that way! I mean by how you say the city is ugly. I don't necessarily live in the city, but it's close enough. All the nights when I'm heading home from a friends house, I stare at all the lights, fast food restaurants, and such. I still dislike it much and would rather prefer the beauty of the country, but I can't say it as strongly as you since this is how I have been raised.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

I can't even see the stars! I am like really close to tears! :( I can't sleep, I hate it here...

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Welly written, and I agree with both of you, though I can see stars ...