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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Scattered Modeling: Winter Sports

Well since I have many pictures of myself skiing and I have this modeling thing going on here, I thought, Why not?! So here are some of my best pictures of me skiing:

This is a pretty good picture, I am in close to the gate, and my skis are on edge, but there are also a few problems. for one, I am way to far back, my shins are not pressing against the from of my boots like they should be, and second my shoulders are lilting way too much into the gate, they should be straight, facing down the hill, only below the hips should be moving here.

This is one that was taken  right before the one that I have already shown. Here you can see that while I am in fact even more on edge here, I am still way too far back in my boots, which makes me easily unbalanced. Also my shoulders and hands are dipping much too far  down. But overall both of these pictures are both very good and shows some of my best skiing. 

For the record I am in fact on a ski team, so I am trained for this kind of stuff. In these pictures I may be going 20-30 mph, so quite fast for a 95lb. girl of my height, this is a GS coarse, which means the gates are much more spread out than it would be in a Slalom (S-la-lum) coarse. Gs stands for Giant Slalom, so it makes sense. I will try to get some pictures of me skiing Slalom on here, but I am not as good at that. 

Thanks for reading!

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